Technical Committees

Technical Committees develop and maintain ASTM standards. They are grouped by designation according to related activities within a particular scope of work (e.g., A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys). ASTM Committees are made up of over 35,000 volunteers from industry and include manufacturers and consumers, as well as other interest groups such as government or academia. Any interested individual can participate on a Technical Committee through ASTM membership.
Resources for ASTM Technical Committees
The latest information about new and revised ASTM standards in development, current standards being balloted, and the process for initiating a new standards activity. Interested in becoming an ASTM Member? Learn more about membership options and how you can participate in the standards development process.
Work Items Full List
Proposed new standards or revisions to existing standards
Initiate a New Standards Activity
Activities ranging from a single standard to a new main technical committee
How Standards Get Developed
Do you have an idea for a new standard?
Society (Public) Review
Items that are currently being balloted by the corresponding main committee and are submitted for review
ANSI Public Review
ANSI Standards Action Review Site for the review of ASTM actions resulting in American National Standards
SCC Public Review
ASTM Standards for Canada
Other Programs & Services
Related to the work of its technical committees, ASTM offers many innovative programs and services.

Interlaboratory Study Program (ILS)
No cost benefit for members to help you meet precision statement requirements in ASTM test methods.
Certification for Products, Personnel, and Facilities
Show compliance to the highest industry standards and get credentials to advance your career.

Emerging Professionals Program
For new members who have the potential to be industry and committee leaders
Laboratory Resources
Accredited Proficiency Testing, high-quality Reference Materials, Lab Data Management Software and more
Sustainability Reference Database
A variety of resources to assist with assessing sustainable practices, products, programs, and development