Enterprise Solutions

Your Content on ASTM Compass®
Expand your audience to thousands of potential customers when you add your standards, codes, and other technical documents to ASTM Compass.
ASTM SpecBuilder
Collaborate, create, and publish internal documents using the same intelligent digital collaboration tool used to develop thousands of ASTM standards.
International Standards
Expand your staff's access to global standards from AASHTO, AATCC, UNE (AENOR), API, AWWA, CGA, IES, and UOP directly on ASTM Compass.
Also Available
Improve Your Laboratory’s Efficiency
Achieve your goals of laboratory certification, accreditation, and customer satisfaction a comprehensive suite of solutions.
Train with Standards Experts
Increase understanding of the ASTM test methods you rely on and earn CEUs with in-person and e-Learning courses from our subject-matter experts.
ASTM Digital Library
Get on-demand access to the digital edition of every book, paper, and journal article published by ASTM dating back to 1932.