Standards & Publications
Over 125 years of publishing excellence
Welcome to your direct access to one of most comprehensive online libraries of technical information in the world. Our extensive catalog is your source for standards from ASTM and other leading standards developers, plus thousands of journal articles, manuals, and technical papers dating back over 125 years.
Standards Products

Annual Book of ASTM Standards
80+ volumes of 13,000+ ASTM standards, print or online with weekly updates and user tools
ASTM Compass®
Licensed digital access to ASTM and other standards, eBooks, journal articles, papers, workflow tools
ASTM Digital Library
Digital editions of every published ASTM technical book, paper, and journal article

ASTM Standards Tracker®
Free email alerts for the new or revised standards in your industry. Track individual standards or by ASTM technical committee.
Adjuncts and Reference Radiographs
Get important supplemental data and physical materials to help you apply and use your ASTM standards. This content is available separately from your standards and can be downloaded or shipped to a secure location.
Research Reports
If an ASTM test method features an interlaboratory study supporting the precision and bias statement, you’ll find it in a Research Report. Use this valuable information to improve test performance and troubleshoot.
What you’ll find in an ASTM Research Report:
List of participating laboratories
Description of samples
A copy of the laboratory instructions
Equipment/apparatus used
A statistical summary
Raw data
A copy of the precision and bias statement
Standards Compilations
Access online subscriptions to standards grouped by industry or contact us to build your own custom standards collection.
UOP Standards
Honeywell UOP standards are not developed nor endorsed by ASTM International. Copyright for the content of the UOP standards belongs to Honeywell. For questions regarding these standards, contact: Fayaaz Ghouse.
The ASTM Digital Library, comprising nearly 60,000 chapters and papers, is available via the ASME Digital Collection, powered by the Silverchair platform.
Peer-Reviewed Symposia Papers & STPs
First-hand accounts of user experiences and opinions on improvements and future needs in their industries
Manuals, Monographs & Data Series
Practical, hands-on guidance on the proper application and interpretation of a standard
The latest developments in testing and evaluation, materials performance, geotechnical and civil engineering
Technical Reports
Critical insight on the need for a standard as well as the technology and research that led to its development
Standards Reading Room
View and read ASTM safety standards incorporated in United States regulations.
ASTM Standards & COVID-19
In an effort to support manufacturers, test labs, health care professionals as they respond to the global COVID-19 public health emergency, no-cost public access is provided in the Reading Room for ASTM standards used in the production and testing of personal protective equipment. This includes ASTM standards for face masks, medical gowns, gloves, and hand sanitizers.
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