Staff Manager: Krista Robbins
ASTM Committee G01 on Corrosion of Metals was formed in 1964. G01 meets twice a year, usually in May and November, with approximately 50 members attending over three days of technical meetings usually preceded by a workshop or symposium. The Committee, with current membership of approximately 345 , currently has jurisdiction of over 70 standards, published in the Annual book of ASTM Standards, Volume 03.02. These standards have and continue to play a preeminent role in all aspects important to industries where corrosion of metals is an issue, including, computers in corrosion, atmospheric corrosion, laboratory corrosion tests, environmentally assisted cracking, corrosion of nuclear materials, corrosion in natural waters, corrosion in soils, electrochemical measurements in corrosion testing, in-plant corrosion tests, and corrosion of reinforcing steel.