
Committee C17 on Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products

Staff Manager: David Lee

ASTM Committee C17 on Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products was formed in 1946. C17 meets twice a year, in June and December, with about 20 members attending over two days of technical meetings. The Committee, with a membership of 62, currently has jurisdiction of 12 standards, published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 04.05. C17 has 5 technical subcommittees that maintain jurisdiction over these standards. Information on this subcommittee structure and C17's portfolio of approved standards and Work Items under construction are available from the List of Subcommittees, Standards and Work Items below. These standards have and continue to play a preeminent role in all aspects relating to asbestos and non-asbestos fiber reinforced cement roofing, siding, flat sheets, corrugated sheets, pipe and similar products deriving their essential properties from fiber and cement.

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