Subcommittee D02.03 on Elemental Analysis
Matching Standards Under the Jurisdiction of D02.03 by Status
- D874-23 Standard Test Method for Sulfated Ash from Lubricating Oils and Additives
- D1266-18 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Lamp Method)
- -See also WK92359 proposed Withdrawal
- D1318-23 Standard Test Method for Sodium in Residual Fuel Oil (Flame Photometric Method)
- D2622-24a Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
- -See also WK91527 proposed Revision
- D3228-22 Standard Test Method for Total Nitrogen in Lubricating Oils and Fuel Oils by Modified Kjeldahl Method
- D3230-19 Standard Test Method for Salts in Crude Oil (Electrometric Method)
- D3231-24 Standard Test Method for Phosphorus in Gasoline
- -See also WK91508 proposed Revision
- D3605-22 Standard Test Method for Trace Metals in Gas Turbine Fuels by Atomic Absorption and Flame Emission Spectroscopy
- D3701-23 Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Content of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Low Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
- D4045-19 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Hydrogenolysis and Rateometric Colorimetry
- -See also WK93465 proposed Revision
- D4047-18 Standard Test Method for Phosphorus in Lubricating Oils and Additives by Quinoline Phosphomolybdate Method
- -See also WK89642 proposed Revision
- D4294-24 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
- -See also WK91528 proposed Revision
- D4808-23 Standard Test Methods for Hydrogen Content of Light Distillates, Middle Distillates, Gas Oils, and Residua by Low-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- D5056-22 Standard Test Method for Trace Metals in Petroleum Coke by Atomic Absorption
- D5059-21 Standard Test Methods for Lead and Manganese in Gasoline by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- D5184-22 Standard Test Methods for Determination of Aluminum and Silicon in Fuel Oils by Ashing, Fusion, Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry, and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- D5622-24 Standard Test Methods for Determination of Total Oxygen in Gasoline and Methanol Fuels by Reductive Pyrolysis
- D6667-21 Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Volatile Sulfur in Gaseous Hydrocarbons and Liquefied Petroleum Gases by Ultraviolet Fluorescence
- D7040-04(2020) Standard Test Method for Determination of Low Levels of Phosphorus in ILSAC GF 4 and Similar Grade Engine Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- D7343-20 Standard Practice for Optimization, Sample Handling, Calibration, and Validation of X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Methods for Elemental Analysis of Petroleum Products and Lubricants
- -See also WK92271 proposed Revision
- D7620-10(2020) Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in Liquid Hydrocarbon Based Fuels by Continuous Injection, Air Oxidation and Ultraviolet Fluorescence Detection
- D4927-20 Standard Test Methods for Elemental Analysis of Lubricant and Additive Components—Barium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Zinc by Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- D5384-14(2019) Standard Test Methods for Chlorine in Used Petroleum Products (Field Test Kit Method)
- -See also WK93468 proposed Revision
- D5762-24 Standard Test Method for Nitrogen in Liquid Hydrocarbons, Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Boat-Inlet Chemiluminescence
- -See also WK77108 proposed Revision
- D5863-22 Standard Test Methods for Determination of Nickel, Vanadium, Iron, and Sodium in Crude Oils and Residual Fuels by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- D7482-17(2023) Standard Practice for Sampling, Storage, and Handling of Hydrocarbons for Mercury Analysis
- D7578-20 Standard Guide for Calibration Requirements for Elemental Analysis of Petroleum Products and Lubricants
- D7691-23 Standard Test Method for Multielement Analysis of Crude Oils Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES)
- -See also WK84786 proposed Revision
- -See also WK84785 proposed Revision
- D7740-20 Standard Practice for Optimization, Calibration, and Validation of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Metal Analysis of Petroleum Products and Lubricants
- D8315-20 Standard Test Method for Determination of Wear Metals and Contamination Elements in Used Industrial Oils by Sweeping Flat Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- D8322-20 Standard Test Method for Determination of Elements in Residual Fuels and Crude Oils by Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (MP-AES)
- -See also WK94030 proposed Revision
- -See also WK93016 proposed Revision
- D7303-23 Standard Test Method for Determination of Metals in Lubricating Greases by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- D8110-17 Standard Test Method for Elemental Analysis of Distillate Products by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
- -See also WK70825 proposed Revision
- D8252-23 Standard Test Method for Vanadium and Nickel in Crude and Residual Oil by X-ray Spectrometry
- -See also WK71218 proposed Revision
- D8150-22 Standard Test Method for Determination of Organic Chloride Content in Crude Oil by Distillation Followed by Detection Using Combustion Ion Chromatography
- D8351-22 Standard Test Method for Determination of Trace Elements in Biodiesel and Biodiesel Blends by Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (MP-AES)
- C1234-24 Standard Practice for Preparation of Oils and Oily Waste Samples by High-Pressure, High-Temperature Digestion for Trace Element Determinations
- -See also WK90626 proposed Revision
- D482-19 Standard Test Method for Ash from Petroleum Products
- -See also WK89690 proposed Revision
- D1552-23 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by High Temperature Combustion and Infrared (IR) Detection or Thermal Conductivity Detection (TCD)
- D3120-08(2019) Standard Test Method for Trace Quantities of Sulfur in Light Liquid Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Microcoulometry
- -See also WK92605 proposed Reapproval with Editorial Change
- -See also WK92600 proposed Revision
- D3227-24 Standard Test Method for (Thiol Mercaptan) Sulfur in Gasoline, Kerosine, Aviation Turbine, and Distillate Fuels (Potentiometric Method)
- D3237-22 Standard Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
- D3831-22 Standard Test Method for Manganese in Gasoline By Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
- D4629-24 Standard Test Method for Trace Nitrogen in Liquid Hydrocarbons by Syringe/Inlet Oxidative Combustion and Chemiluminescence Detection
- -See also WK81456 proposed Revision
- D4929-24 Standard Test Method for Determination of Organic Chloride Content in Crude Oil
- -See also WK87257 proposed Revision
- D4951-14(2019) Standard Test Method for Determination of Additive Elements in Lubricating Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- -See also WK92168 proposed Revision
- -See also WK85279 proposed Revision
- D5185-18 Standard Test Method for Multielement Determination of Used and Unused Lubricating Oils and Base Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES)
- -See also WK92169 proposed Revision
- -See also WK86971 proposed Revision
- -See also WK85278 proposed Revision
- D5291-21 Standard Test Methods for Instrumental Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Petroleum Products and Lubricants
- -See also WK91414 proposed Revision
- D5600-22 Standard Test Method for Trace Metals in Petroleum Coke by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES)
- D5708-15(2020)e1 Standard Test Methods for Determination of Nickel, Vanadium, and Iron in Crude Oils and Residual Fuels by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- -See also WK93927 proposed Revision
- D5761-24 Standard Practice for Emulsification/Suspension of Multiphase Fluid Waste Materials
- D6443-24 Standard Test Method for Determination of Calcium, Chlorine, Copper, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Zinc in Unused Lubricating Oils and Additives by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (Mathematical Correction Procedure)
- D6470-99(2020) Standard Test Method for Salt in Crude Oils (Potentiometric Method)
- D6481-24 Standard Test Method for Determination of Phosphorus, Sulfur, Calcium, and Zinc in Lubrication Oils by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- D6595-22 Standard Test Method for Determination of Wear Metals and Contaminants in Used Lubricating Oils or Used Hydraulic Fluids by Rotating Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- D6728-16(2021) Standard Test Method for Determination of Contaminants in Gas Turbine and Diesel Engine Fuel by Rotating Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- D6732-04(2020) Standard Test Method for Determination of Copper in Jet Fuels by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- D7041-16(2021) Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in Liquid Hydrocarbons and Hydrocarbon-Oxygenate Blends by Gas Chromatography with Flame Photometric Detection
- D7220-22 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Automotive, Heating, and Jet Fuels by Monochromatic Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
- D7260-20 Standard Practice for Optimization, Calibration, and Validation of Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) for Elemental Analysis of Petroleum Products and Lubricants
- D7319-22 Standard Test Method for Determination of Existent and Potential Sulfate and Inorganic Chloride in Fuel Ethanol and Butanol by Direct Injection Suppressed Ion Chromatography
- -See also WK84997 proposed Revision
- D7622-20 Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Crude Oil Using Combustion and Direct Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Method with Zeeman Background Correction
- D7751-16(2021) Standard Test Method for Determination of Additive Elements in Lubricating Oils by EDXRF Analysis
- D7757-22 Standard Test Method for Silicon in Gasoline and Related Products by Monochromatic Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
- D8056-24 Standard Guide for Elemental Analysis of Crude Oil
- -See also WK89103 proposed Revision
- D7623-20 Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Crude Oil Using Combustion-Gold Amalgamation and Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Method
- D7876-13(2018) Standard Practice for Practice for Sample Decomposition Using Microwave Heating (With or Without Prior Ashing) for Atomic Spectroscopic Elemental Determination in Petroleum Products and Lubricants
- -See also WK92170 proposed Revision
- D7318-19e1 Standard Test Method for Existent Inorganic Sulfate in Ethanol by Potentiometric Titration
- -See also WK93658 proposed Revision
- D7328-23 Standard Test Method for Determination of Existent and Potential Inorganic Sulfate and Total Inorganic Chloride in Fuel Ethanol by Ion Chromatography Using Aqueous Sample Injection
- -See also WK81471 proposed Revision
- D8127-23 Standard Test Method for Coupled Particulate and Elemental Analysis using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) for In-Service Lubricants
- D8149-20 Standard Practice for Optimization, Calibration, and Validation of Ion Chromatographic Determination of Heteroatoms and Anions in Petroleum Products and Lubricants
- D3340-07 Standard Test Method for Lithium and Sodium in Lubricating Greases by Flame Photometer (Withdrawn 2013)
- D4046-14(2019) Standard Test Method for Alkyl Nitrate in Diesel Fuels by Spectrophotometry (Withdrawn 2019)
- D2784-11 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Liquefied Petroleum Gases (Oxy-Hydrogen Burner or Lamp) (Withdrawn 2016)
- D1839-14(2019) Standard Test Method for Amyl Nitrate in Diesel Fuels (Withdrawn 2019)
- D3348-12(2017) Standard Test Method for Rapid Field Test for Trace Lead in Unleaded Gasoline (Colorimetric Method) (Withdrawn 2022)
- D4046 Standard Test Method for Alkyl Nitrate in Diesel Fuels by Spectrophotometry (Withdrawn 2019)
- D6920 Standard Test Method for Total Sulfur in Naphthas, Distillates, Reformulated Gasolines, Diesels, Biodiesels, and Motor Fuels by Oxidative Combustion and Electrochemical Detection (Withdrawn 2018)
- D7212-13(2018) Standard Test Method for Low Sulfur in Automotive Fuels by Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Using a Low-Background Proportional Counter (Withdrawn 2024)
- -See also WK87774 proposed Revision
- D6920-13 Standard Test Method for Total Sulfur in Naphthas, Distillates, Reformulated Gasolines, Diesels, Biodiesels, and Motor Fuels by Oxidative Combustion and Electrochemical Detection (Withdrawn 2018)
- D1839 Standard Test Method for Amyl Nitrate in Diesel Fuels (Withdrawn 2019)
- D129-18 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (General High Pressure Decomposition Device Method) (Withdrawn 2023)
- D1018-11(2016) Standard Test Method for Hydrogen In Petroleum Fractions (Withdrawn 2021)
- D808-16 Standard Test Method for Chlorine in New and Used Petroleum Products (High Pressure Decomposition Device Method) (Withdrawn 2021)
- D1091-11(2016) Standard Test Methods for Phosphorus in Lubricating Oils and Additives (Withdrawn 2021)
- D3246-15 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulometry (Withdrawn 2024)
- -See also WK43517 proposed Revision
- D2784 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Liquefied Petroleum Gases (Oxy-Hydrogen Burner or Lamp) (Withdrawn 2016)
- D3341-16 Standard Test Method for Lead in Gasoline—Iodine Monochloride Method (Withdrawn 2022)
- D6334-12(2017)e1 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Gasoline by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (Withdrawn 2022)
- D6445-99(2004)e1 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Gasoline by Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (Withdrawn 2009)