Subcommittee D02.09.0C on Oxidation of Turbine Oils
Matching Standards Under the Jurisdiction of D02.09.0C by Status
- D943-20 Standard Test Method for Oxidation Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oils
- D2272-22 Standard Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Steam Turbine Oils by Rotating Pressure Vessel
- -See also WK90815 proposed Revision
- D4310-22a Standard Test Method for Determination of Sludging and Corrosion Tendencies of Inhibited Mineral Oils
- D6514-03(2019)e1 Standard Test Method for High Temperature Universal Oxidation Test for Turbine Oils
- -See also WK91227 proposed Revision
- D6810-22 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hindered Phenolic Antioxidant Content in Non-Zinc Turbine Oils by Linear Sweep Voltammetry
- -See also WK81082 proposed Revision
- -See also WK80543 proposed Revision
- D6971-22 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hindered Phenolic and Aromatic Amine Antioxidant Content in Non-zinc Turbine Oils by Linear Sweep Voltammetry
- -See also WK80544 proposed Revision
- D7590-22 Standard Guide for Measurement of Remaining Primary Antioxidant Content In In-Service Industrial Lubricating Oils by Linear Sweep Voltammetry
- -See also WK81083 proposed Revision
- D7873-22a Standard Test Method for Determination of Oxidation Stability and Insolubles Formation of Inhibited Turbine Oils at 120 °C Without the Inclusion of Water (Dry TOST Method)
- -See also WK82558 proposed Revision