Subcommittee D02.09.0G on Oxidation Testing of Engine Oils
Matching Standards Under the Jurisdiction of D02.09.0G by Status
- D4742-23 Standard Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Gasoline Automotive Engine Oils by Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake (TFOUT)
- D6335-19 Standard Test Method for Determination of High Temperature Deposits by Thermo-Oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test
- -See also WK94061 proposed Revision
- D7097-19 Standard Test Method for Determination of Moderately High Temperature Piston Deposits by Thermo-Oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test—TEOST MHT
- -See also WK94062 proposed Revision
- D7098-21 Standard Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Lubricants by Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake (TFOUT) Catalyst B
- -See also WK92203 proposed Revision
- D8544-24 Standard Test Method for Determination of Conductive Deposits of Electrical and Mechanical Components from Fluids in Liquid and Vapor States within an Electrically Charged System