Subcommittee D02.L0.07 on Engineering Sciences of High Performance Fluids and Solids (Formally D02.1100)
Matching Standards Under the Jurisdiction of D02.L0.07 by Status
- D2879-23 Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relationship and Initial Decomposition Temperature of Liquids by Isoteniscope
- D2878-21 Standard Test Method for Estimating Apparent Vapor Pressures and Molecular Weights of Lubricating Oils
- D4486-23 Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Volatile and Reactive Liquids
- D4056-21 Standard Test Method for Estimation of Solubility of Water in Hydrocarbon and Aliphatic Ester Lubricants
- D6668-21 Standard Test Method for Discrimination Between Flammability Ratings of F = 0
and F = 1 - D8211-24a Standard Test Method for Hot Surface Ignition Temperature of Gases on Flat Surface
- -See also WK91679 proposed Revision
- D2715 Standard Test Method for Volatilization Rates of Lubricants in Vacuum (Withdrawn 2017)
- D2715-92(2012) Standard Test Method for Volatilization Rates of Lubricants in Vacuum (Withdrawn 2017)
- D2717 Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Liquids (Withdrawn 2018)
- -See also WK91996 proposed Reinstatement
- D2717-95(2009) Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Liquids (Withdrawn 2018)
- -See also WK91996 proposed Reinstatement
- D2766 Standard Test Method for Specific Heat of Liquids and Solids (Withdrawn 2018)
- D2766-95(2009) Standard Test Method for Specific Heat of Liquids and Solids (Withdrawn 2018)
- D2883 Standard Test Method for Reaction Threshold Temperature of Liquid and Solid Materials (Withdrawn 2016)
- D2883-95(2009) Standard Test Method for Reaction Threshold Temperature of Liquid and Solid Materials (Withdrawn 2016)
- D2884 Standard Test Method for Yield Stress of Heterogeneous Propellants by Cone Penetration Method (Withdrawn 2017)
- D2884-93(2012) Standard Test Method for Yield Stress of Heterogeneous Propellants by Cone Penetration Method (Withdrawn 2017)
- D3115 Standard Test Method for Explosive Reactivity of Lubricants with Aerospace Alloys Under High Shear (Withdrawn 2019)
- D3115-95(2014) Standard Test Method for Explosive Reactivity of Lubricants with Aerospace Alloys Under High Shear (Withdrawn 2019)
- D3429 Standard Test Method for Solubility of Fixed Gases in Low-Boiling Liquids (Withdrawn 2017)
- D3429-93(2012) Standard Test Method for Solubility of Fixed Gases in Low-Boiling Liquids (Withdrawn 2017)
- D3523 Standard Test Method for Spontaneous Heating Values of Liquids and Solids (Differential Mackey Test) (Withdrawn 2017)
- D3825-09 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Surface Tension by the Fast-Bubble Technique (Withdrawn 2016)
- D6793-02(2012) Standard Test Method for Determination of Isothermal Secant and Tangent Bulk Modulus (Withdrawn 2021)
- -See also WK81930 proposed Reinstatement
- D3523-92(2012) Standard Test Method for Spontaneous Heating Values of Liquids and Solids (Differential Mackey Test) (Withdrawn 2017)
- D3711-95(2009) Standard Test Method for Deposition Tendencies of Liquids in Thin Films and Vapors (Withdrawn 2016)
- D3711 Standard Test Method for Deposition Tendencies of Liquids in Thin Films and Vapors (Withdrawn 2016)
- D3825 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Surface Tension by the Fast-Bubble Technique (Withdrawn 2016)