Subcommittee D30.10 on Composites for Civil Structures
Matching Standards Under the Jurisdiction of D30.10 by Status
- D7205/D7205M-21 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite Bars
- -See also WK80180 proposed Revision
- D7290-06(2022) Standard Practice for Evaluating Material Property Characteristic Values for Polymeric Composites for Civil Engineering Structural Applications
- D7337/D7337M-12(2019) Standard Test Method for Tensile Creep Rupture of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite Bars
- D7522/D7522M-21 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength for FRP Laminate Systems Bonded to Concrete or Masonry Substrates
- -See also WK80281 proposed Revision
- D7565/D7565M-10(2017) Standard Test Method for Determining Tensile Properties of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites Used for Strengthening of Civil Structures
- -See also WK84556 proposed Reapproval
- D7616/D7616M-11(2023) Standard Test Method for Determining Apparent Overlap Splice Shear Strength Properties of Wet Lay-Up Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites Used for Strengthening Civil Structures
- D7617/D7617M-11(2017) Standard Test Method for Transverse Shear Strength of Fiber-reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite Bars
- -See also WK92257 proposed Revision
- D7705/D7705M-12(2019) Standard Test Method for Alkali Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Matrix Composite Bars used in Concrete Construction
- D7913/D7913M-25 Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite Bars to Concrete by Pullout Testing
- -See also WK92248 proposed Revision
- D7914/D7914M-21 Standard Test Method for Strength of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bent Bars in Bend Locations
- D7957/D7957M-22 Standard Specification for Solid Round Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
- -See also WK92247 proposed Revision
- D7958/D7958M-17 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Performance for FRP Composite Bonded to Concrete Substrate using Beam Test
- -See also WK84558 proposed Reapproval
- D8337/D8337M-21 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Bond Properties of FRP Composite Applied to Concrete Substrate using Single-Lap Shear Test
- D8444/D8444M-24 Standard Specification for Fiber Reinforced Polymer Dowel Bars for Load Transfer Between Concrete Slabs
- D8505/D8505M-23 Standard Specification for Basalt and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
- WK74694 Inspection of Wet Lay-Up Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Systems and Application for Repairs and Strengthening of Civil Structures
- WK88484 Standard Specification for Basalt and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Mesh for Concrete Reinforcement
- WK83812 Composite Mesh Reinforcement used for Concrete Cracking & Peel-and-Prop Prevention
- WK88485 Standard Terminology for Composite materials applied to Civil Engineering Structures
- WK87882 Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars and Strands for Concrete Reinforcement
- WK83807 Standard Test Method for Determining Capacity of Pultruded Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Beam Shear Connections