Subcommittee E06.53 on Materials and Processes for Durable Rigidwall Relocatable Structures
Matching Standards Under the Jurisdiction of E06.53 by Status
- E864-20 Standard Practice for Surface Preparation of Aluminum Alloys to Be Adhesively Bonded in Honeycomb Shelter Panels
- E865-20 Standard Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels
- E866-23 Standard Specification for Corrosion-Inhibiting Adhesive Primer for Aluminum Alloys to Be Adhesively Bonded in Honeycomb Shelter Panels
- E874-19 Standard Practice for Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Facings to Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Shelter Panels
- E990-21 Standard Specification for Core-Splice Adhesive for Honeycomb Sandwich Structural Panels
- E1091-21 Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Use in Shelter Panels
- E1307-18(2025) Standard Practice for Surface Preparation and Structural Adhesive Bonding of Precured, Nonmetallic Composite Facings to Structural Core for Flat Shelter Panels
- -See also WK92647 proposed Reapproval
- E1555-20 Standard Specification for Structural Paste Adhesive for Sandwich Panel Repair
- E1556-20 Standard Specification for Epoxy Resin System for Composite Skin, Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Repair
- E1749-18(2025) Standard Terminology Relating to Rigid Wall Relocatable Shelters
- -See also WK92315 proposed Reapproval
- E1773-18(2025) Standard Practice for Sealing Rigid Wall Tactical Shelters with Polysulfide Based Sealants
- -See also WK92648 proposed Reapproval
- E1793-19 Standard Practice for Preparation of Aluminum Alloy for Bonding in Foam and Beam Type Transportable Shelters
- E1794-22a Standard Specification for Adhesive for Bonding Foam Cored Sandwich Panels (200 °F Elevated Humidity Service), Type II Panels
- E1800-21 Standard Specification for Adhesive for Bonding Foam Cored Sandwich Panels (160 °F Elevated Humidity Service), Type I Panels
- E1801-21 Standard Practice for Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Facings in Foam and Beam Type Shelters
- E1826-23 Standard Specification for Low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Corrosion-Inhibiting Adhesive Primer for Aluminum Alloys to Be Adhesively Bonded in Honeycomb Shelter Panels
- E1851-21 Standard Test Method for Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Durable Rigid Wall Relocatable Structures
- E1976-19 Standard Specification for Shelter, Tactical, Nonexpandable
- -See also WK87971 proposed Revision
- E1977-24 Standard Specification for Shelter, Tactical, Expandable, One-Side
- -See also WK87969 proposed Revision
- E1978-24 Standard Specification for Shelter, Tactical, Expandable, Two-Side
- -See also WK87970 proposed Revision
- E1730-19 Standard Specification for Rigid Foam for Use in Structural Sandwich Panel Cores
- E1925-18 Specification for Engineering and Design Criteria for Rigid Wall Relocatable Structures
- E1974-19 Standard Specification for Shelter, Electrical Equipment S-250/G
- -See also WK93734 proposed Reapproval
- E1975-22 Standard Specification for Shelter, Electrical, Equipment S-280/G
- E2004-18(2024) Standard Test Method for Facing Cleavage of Sandwich Panels
- -See also WK91268 proposed Reapproval
- E2377-18 Standard Specification for Shelter, Electrical Equipment, Lightweight
- -See also WK92303 proposed Revision
- E2462-18(2024) Standard Performance Specification for Cargo Bed Cover (CBC) HMMWV, Type I
- -See also WK91269 proposed Reapproval
- E2463-19(2025) Standard Performance Specification for Cargo Bed Cover (CBC) M105A2 Trailer, Type II
- -See also WK92314 proposed Reapproval
- E2517-21 Standard Specification for Cargo Bed Cover, Type III (M35A2, 2
Ton Cargo Truck/M1078, 21 2 Ton Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV)/ M1082, 21 2 Ton LMTV Trailer)1 2 - E2518-19 Standard Specification for Cargo Bed Cover, Type IV (M923, 5 Ton Cargo Truck/M1083, 5 Ton Medium Tactical Vehicle (MTV)/M1082, 5 Ton MTV Trailer)