Committee E11 Scope
Committee Scope
2.1 The scope of the committee is to promote the appropriate use of the principles and methods of statistics and quality control in the development, application and improvement of standards. The committee will:
2.1.1 Develop, produce and maintain standards for methods of statistics and quality control, including practices, guides, and terminology;
2.1.1 Coordinate with other ASTM committees and other organizations having common interests, including the review and harmonization of related standards where applicable;
2.1.2 Aid and advise ASTM technical committees, management, and staff in matters relating to statistics and quality;
2.1.3 Act in liaison with the Committee on Standards regarding all statistically related requirements in Form and Style.
2.1.4 Sponsor workshops, seminars, symposia, and publications on the use of methods of statistics and quality control in standards.