
Committee E57 on 3D Imaging Systems

Staff Manager: Pat Picariello

ASTM Committee E57 on 3D Imaging Systems was formed in 2006. E57 meets twice each year, in March/April and October, with approximately 20 members attending three days of technical meetings. This Committee addresses issues related to 3D imaging systems, which include, but are not limited to laser scanners (also known as LADAR or laser radars) and optical range cameras (also known as flash LADAR or 3D range cameras). Stakeholders include manufacturers, federal agencies, design professionals, professional societies, trade associations, and academia. The Committee, with a membership of 60, currently has its standards published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 10.04. E57 has 4 technical subcommittees that maintain jurisdiction over these standards. Information on this subcommittee structure and E57's portfolio of approved standards and Work Items under construction are available from the List of Subcommittees, Standards and Work Items below.

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