Subcommittee F44.30 on Structures
Matching Standards Under the Jurisdiction of F44.30 by Status
- F3083/F3083M-23a Standard Specification for Emergency Conditions, Occupant Safety and Accommodations
- -See also WK68781 proposed Revision
- -See also WK92172 proposed Revision
- -See also WK73015 proposed Revision
- F3093/F3093M-24e1 Standard Specification for Aeroelasticity Requirements
- -See also WK68230 proposed Revision
- F3114-21 Standard Specification for Structures
- -See also WK73017 proposed Revision
- -See also WK68805 proposed Revision
- F3115/F3115M-23e1 Standard Specification for Structural Durability for Small Aeroplanes
- -See also WK91509 proposed Revision
- F3116/F3116M-24 Standard Specification for Design Loads and Conditions
- -See also WK90074 proposed Revision
- -See also WK73019 proposed Revision
- F3254-22 Standard Specification for Aircraft Interaction of Systems and Structures
- -See also WK69726 proposed Revision
- F3331-18(2023) Standard Practice for Aircraft Water Loads
- F3380-19 Standard Practice for Structural Compliance of Very Light Aeroplanes
- F3396/F3396M-23a Standard Practice for Aircraft Simplified Loads Criteria
- F3408/F3408M-21 Standard Specification for Aircraft Emergency Parachute Recovery Systems
- F3498-21 Standard Practice for Developing Simplified Fatigue Load Spectra
- F3601-23 Standard Practice for Structural Finite Element Model Verification and Validation
- F3651/F3651M-23 Standard Practice for Determining Safe-Life, Inspection Threshold and Recurring Inspection Intervals
- F3710-24 Standard Guide for Structural Durability Component Selection
- F3720/F3720M-24 Standard Practice for General Guidance on Damage Tolerance Evaluation of Normal Category Aeroplane
- WK77098 External Loads and Aeroelastic Compliance Demonstration for multimodal VTOL/eVTOL aircraft
- WK70524 Aeroelastic Compliance Demonstration
- WK77283 General Aviation Inflatable Restraints
- WK86458 Composite Damage Tolerance Evaluations
- WK86457 General Damage Tolerance Evaluations
- WK86455 Durability Components to be Evaluated
- WK86459 Metallic Damage Tolerance Evaluations