ASTM WK62310
1.Inclusion of statement that current instrumentation accuracy is limited when V/L = 0.02 to 4. (Added statement to Note 1, Section 1) 2.Inclusion of reference documents D8009 and D7975 (Added references in Section 2) 3.Include in Definitions, Live Crude and Dead Crude (Revised definitions in Section 3) 4.D6377 Summary of the method (Added phrase in Section 12.7) 5.Include protocol for introduction of a High VP Sample by Aspiration (Added Caution note after Section 8.3.3 6.Inclusion of New Appendix X3 for ASTM D6377 7.Inclusion of New Definition for Sealed Sample Cylinder to be inclusive of both floating piston cylinder and manual piston cylinder 8.Replacement of floating piston cylinder with sealed sample cylinder 9.Inclusion of cautionary note that standard sampling procedures D7975 and D8009 Manual Piston Cylinders were developed after the program to determine the precision of the methods. 10.Inclusion of cautionary procedure for manual piston cylinder use.
Date Initiated: 02-09-2018
Technical Contact: Stephen David
Item: 002
Ballot: D02.08 (18-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
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Ballot: D02 (18-06)
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Status: Ballot Item Approved
Item: 003
Ballot: D02.08 (19-03)
Status: Will Reballot Item
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Status: Ballot Item Approved
Item: 102
Ballot: D02 (20-01)
Status: Ballot Item Approved
Item: 003
Ballot: D02.08 (19-04)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution