Work Item
ASTM WK67973
New Test Method for Measurement of Ethylene Oxide in Ambient Atmospheres
1. Scope
This test method presents a procedure for the determination of ethylene oxide in a direct, real-time or off-line analysis. The method employs a selected-ion flow tube mass spectrometer (SIFT-MS) to identify and quantify ethylene oxide in ambient air samples. The test method provides on-site analysis of ambient air at humidity up to 100% RH at 35 C by sampling directly into the instrument inlet without any sample conditioning. The test method also provides for analysis of samples collected into cannisters. The test method incorporates a performance-based approach, which validates each SIFT-MS analysis by placing boundaries on the instrument response to gaseous standards. Using this approach, the test method may be extended to analyze other compounds. This test method is suitable for determination of ethylene oxide in the concentration range of 0.1 ppb(v) to 10 ppm(v).Keywords
ethylene oxide; ambient atmosphere; air analysis; ambient air/atmosphere analysis; cannister analysis; direct analysis; air monitoring; SIFT-MSRationale
This standard will provide the first method for direct measurement of ethylene oxide in ambient atmospheres at trace (sub ppb) levels. The method will be used by any parties that are responsible for ensuring the ambient concentrations of ethylene oxide are at a safe level.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 04-25-2019
Technical Contact: Caroline Widdowson
Item: 000