ASTM WK68719
New Test Method for Measuring Exoskeleton Cognitive Fit, Perceived Safety, and Acceptance
1. Scope
The WK68719 provides a test methodology for exoskeleton researchers and intermediate parties to conduct a cognitive analysis on the use an exoskeleton, including the user’s intent to abandon or use the exoskeleton for work in the future as well as the exoskeleton’s cognitive fit with the user.Keywords
exo; human factors; Cognitive; usefulness; ease of use; usabilityRationale
High perceived usefulness and usability is critical to user acceptance of exoskeletons. Understanding how a person interfaces and integrates, both physically and cognitively, with an exoskeleton or exosuit system has implications for performance, safety, and overall success. Creating a standards guide that provides usefulness and usability assessment tools (e.g., relevant attributes, questionnaires, and observation methods) will assist effective system development.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 06-17-2019
Technical Contact: Kevin Purcell
Item: 002
Ballot: F48 (22-01)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 001
Ballot: F48.02 (21-04)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 002
Ballot: F48.02 (22-02)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 003
Ballot: F48 (24-02)
Status: Ballot Item Approved