Work Item
ASTM WK72727
New Test Method for Microscopy to Determine Equine Surface Sand and Fiber Shape
1. Scope
Sand shape can be quantified relatively accurately using a stereo microscope with particles characterized according to angularity, roundness and sphericity. The shape of the sand grains will influence the pore sizes between grains and therefore the performance of the material as an equine surface. Particle size distribution should also be considered alongside sand morphology. Fiber particulate morphology can be carried out using microscopy, performed in a laboratory environment.Keywords
equestrian surface; microscopy; sand shape; fiber particulate morphologyRationale
Use of microscopy to characterize sand shape, angularity, sphericity and roundness is critical to accurately determining the performative ability of the equine surface under analysis.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 04-23-2020
Technical Contact: John Bridge
Item: 005
Ballot: F08 (20-04)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution