ASTM WK73468
This working document is being provided at the request for the Interagency Group (IAB) PPE Subgroup. The IAB, originally formed in October of 1998, is a voluntary collaborative panel of emergency preparedness and response practitioners from a wide array of professional disciplines from Federal, state, and local departments. Its mission is to strengthen the nations ability to prepare for and respond safely and effectively to emergencies, disasters, and CBRNE incidents. The IAB purposely comprises a very diverse body of emergency preparedness and response experts but is unified by a common set of criteria: emphasizing interoperability, compatibility, and standardization; fostering a multidisciplinary perspective; facilitating effective intergovernmental partnerships; being a credible voice of the responder community; being proactive; and, sharing field operational experiences and practices. The IAB membership comprises approximately 200 dedicated professionals with 77% having a first responder background representing career, combination, and volunteer departments. The IAB PPE Subgroup is approaching Subcommittee F23.65 for the purpose of creating a specific respirator standard that builds on current NIOSH criteria in 42 CFR Part 84 but provides additional requirements needed by first responders to improve the sustainable supply of respirators for all hazards emergencies, though the principal contemplated need is for the COVID-19 pandemic and related particulate exposure event applications. The IAB PPE Subgroup has considered other SDOs for the purpose of developing this standard. It is IAB Subgroups opinion that federal rulemaking, the normal pathway for standards on respiratory protection devices, is not a viable option. Similarly, the development of this standard under the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) does not offer an expedient approach. ASTM International and its newly formed F23.65 Subcommittee on Respiratory [Hazards] is perceived to be an efficient, open and transparent, and balanced organization for the development of this standard. The IAB Subgroup intends to encourage the participation of all interested parties in F23.65 in the development of this standard.
Date Initiated: 07-03-2020
Technical Contact: Jeffrey Stull
Item: 000