Work Item

ASTM WK73856

New Guide for Testing of Advancing Skimmers

1. Scope
To develop a defined, repeatable test protocol for testing advancing skimmer systems. Several different models of advancing skimmers are commercially available, with varying oil recovery techniques such as weir, brush and belt, but all are characterized by a forward movement to encourage oil to flow into the system. The test protocol will be developed to be general enough to be suitable for use with a variety of advancing skimmers. The resulting test protocol will produce skimmer system test results that can be used as inputs to the recently developed Estimated Recovery System Potential (ERSP) calculator.
skimmer; oil; advancing skimmer; spill response

Multiple test protocols exist for testing skimmers. However, there is no standard test protocol whose test results align with the inputs required by the ERSP calculator. The project team will review existing test protocols as part of the initial development effort to ensure that best practices are incorporated into the new test protocol.


Developed by Subcommittee: F20.12

Committee: F20

Staff Manager: Travis Murdock

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 08-13-2020

Technical Contact: Stephen Potter

Item: 001

Ballot: F20.12 (24-01)

Status: Withdrawn From Balloting

Item: 001

Ballot: F20 (24-02)

Status: Ballot Item Approved

