Work Item
ASTM WK75150
New Practice for Training in the Forensic Examination of Fire Debris
1. Scope
1.1 This practice outlines the structure and content of a training program suitable for use in preparing forensic analysts to perform independent examinations of fire debris and related evidence for ignitable liquids and their residues. 1.2 This practice presents the training program in a modular format and includes suggested lessons, reading assignments with full citations, practical exercises, progress monitoring, and trainee evaluations. Individual laboratories can tailor the training program to suit their own needs including training technicians.Keywords
education; experience; professional development; qualifications; fire debris and ignitable liquids analyst; trainingRationale
Currently there is no ASTM Standard that addresses fire debris analysis training. This document was created within OSAC and is now being moved into ASTM for review and publication.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 12-09-2020
Technical Contact: Kimberly Kunkler
Item: 000