ASTM WK80800
This work item specifically addresses Item 2 listed below. Requests have been made to update the impact and vibration factors language in F2291 to: 1. Harmonize between EN standards and ASTM, where the final numerical result of applying impact and vibration factors is similar, but the language for each factor is reversed. 2. Indicate that SARC testing alone is typically not a sufficient test method to reduce impact factors, since the location of SARC data collection and subsequent data filters may mask dynamic responses in components. Provide additional guidance in the appendix explaining why the difference in test methods is merited. 3. Provide guidance for situations where lightweight vehicles more susceptible to dynamic load amplification and fatigue. 4. Update language to acknowledge that impact and vibration are implicitly linked, and are better represented by dynamic load factors. Since these are all associated with the same topic, these topics are being discussed together to help members track the continuing updates to dynamic factors.
Date Initiated: 02-01-2022
Technical Contact: Christian Noveral