ASTM WK80884
Revision of C127-15 Standard Test Method for Relative Density (Specific Gravity) and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
This standard is an SI only standard, therefore this revision is eliminating non-SI unit reference to temperature. A temperature measuring device has been added to the apparatus section. A Note was added to clarify sieve designations per C09 Guidance Document from March 2010: Guidance on Designation of Sieve Sizes in Combined Standards. Language was updated in section 1.4 to follow the standard language as outlined in the C09 Guidance Document for Notes and Footnotes in June 2019. Only items bolded in red and strikeouts in red are being balloted for revision. All other comments will be brought up as new business at the next meeting. Additional text is provided for context only.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 02-08-2022
Technical Contact: Kelly Cook
Item: 001
Ballot: C09 (23-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item