ASTM WK82534
Revision of D128-98(2019) Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Lubricating Grease
D128 “Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Lubricating Grease” was reapproved in June 2019 but two comments were not discussed at that time. The comments both requested clarification that the use of the method was intended for new greases and not in-service greases. Discussion in this meeting clarified that this method is only for new greases. Rich Wurzbach would like to add a note to that effect with further reference to standards intended for in-service greases to give further guidance to users of D128. Dr. Fish would like to update terminology used in this standard. The chair will put this item on the agenda for the December meeting with the goal to ballot some suggested changes.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 06-29-2022
Technical Contact: Joseph Kaperick