ASTM WK82659
New Specification for Additive manufacturing -- Powder bed fusion -- Standard specification for maraging steel (UNS K93120)
1. Scope
This specification covers additively manufactured maraging steel, series 300 (UNS K93120), components using full-melt powder bed fusion. The components produced by these processes are used typically in applications that require mechanical properties similar to machined forgings and wrought products. Components manufactured to this specification are often, but not necessarily, post processed via machining, grinding, electrical discharge machining (EDM), polishing, etc. to achieve desired surface finish and critical dimensions. Contents will include manufacturing plan, feedstock, process, chemical composition, microstructure, mechanical properties, thermal processing, and inspection topics.Keywords
Maraging steel; Powder bed fusion; Manufacturing plan:Rationale
This new work item proposal addresses two of the AMSC roadmap gaps, FMP1: material properties, and FMP4, design allowables. Current standards on materials from ASTM and ISO-ASTM focus on materials of interest to the aerospace and medical industries, for the most part. This proposed work item on maraging steel has relevance to many other precision engineering industries, including automotive, marine and offshore, machine tools, sports, and others, in addition to aerospace. Maraging steel has high strength and high toughness without losing ductility, good weldability, and dimensional stability, making it suitable for a wide variety of high strength applications. This specification is intended for the use of purchasers or producers, or both, of additively manufactured maraging steel, series 300 (UNS K93120), components for defining the requirements and ensuring component properties. NOTE: this item was initially registered on 2/24/21 as WK76048 - due to ASTM's member & committee service evolution (from 1.0 to 2.0), it is necessary to re-register this item to keep it alive and capable of development via ASTM's balloting process.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 07-07-2022
Technical Contact: David Rosen
Item: 000