Work Item
ASTM WK84067
New Test Method for Determining Total Outward Leakage for Barrier Face Coverings
1. Scope
This work item will use ongoing and proposed research to evaluate methods that quantitative the reduction of unfiltered exhalation passing through and around the face covering during normal conditions of use.Keywords
total outward leakage; source controlRationale
Typically, respirators are designed for respiratory protection and surgical masks are designed to shield a patient from respiratory droplets emitted by medical staff. More recently, all types of masks have been used as a source control strategy to reduce the spread of COVID-19. To begin to assess the amount of source control afforded by masks, a standard test method is needed to quantify the total outward leakage of particles.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 11-02-2022
Technical Contact: Lee Portnoff
Item: 000