Work Item

ASTM WK85281

New Test Method for Determination of Derivatized Chemical Species in Marine Fuel Oil by Multidimensional Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

1. Scope
This work item is for the development of a new test method for the determination of 4-methylethyl phenol, Methyl palmitate - C16 FAME, Methyl octadecenoate - C18:1 FAME, Methyl octadecanoate - C18 FAME, Fatty acids, Fatty acid monoglycerides, Bisphenol F, Bisphenol A tars, 4-Cumylphenol, Benzenediols, Chlorinated Compounds, and Other Chemical Species by Multidimensional GCMS. ISO TC28 SC4 WG6 has requested this work. WG6 SG-10 Chairman George Gonzalez is developing the test method scope and test method GCMS conditions.
marine fuel oil, mass spectrometery, chemical species; D7845, marine fuel oil, mass spectrometery, chemical species

This test method is being developed in order to address an industry need to test for additional compounds not that cannot be tested by ASTM D7845. The chemical species within the scope of this proposed test method require a new procedure and GCMS conditions while still using the same appartus defined in ASTM D7845.


Developed by Subcommittee: D02.04.0M

Committee: D02

Staff Manager: Alyson Fick

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 02-13-2023

Technical Contact: George Gonzalez

Item: 000



