Work Item

ASTM WK86116

New Practice for Measuring Mobile Manipulator Performance: Recording the Workpiece Configuration

1. Scope
This practice describes accepted procedures for recording the configuration of workpieces used to conduct mobile manipulator performance evaluation. The information contained in this practice provides instructions and a test report to record workpiece configuration characteristics, such as physical properties, user-adjustable properties, coordinate system descriptions, location of registration fiducials, and pose-constrained targets (PCTs). A completed example test report is also provided using an optional test apparatus, the Configurable Mobile Manipulator Apparatus (CMMA), as an example workpiece used for mobile manipulator performance measurement.
Automatic, Automated, or Autonomous-Uncrewed Ground Vehicle (A-UGV); Discrete Pose-Constrained Task; Configurable Mobile Manipulator Apparatus (CMMA); Continuous Mobile Manipulator Task; Mobile Manipulator; Manipulator; Non-continuous Mobile Manipulator Task; Workpiece

This standard practice is intended for use by mobile manipulator manufacturers, suppliers, integrators, and end-users in either a laboratory or manufacturing environments to document the configuration characteristics of the workpiece used to conduct mobile manipulator performance evaluation. Such characteristics: 1) contextualize the mobile manipulator performance with respect to the workpiece configuration during measurement or test. 2) identify the main adjustable configuration parameters, 3) provide the proper context for mobile manipulator performance measurement and/or test results with respect to the workpiece configuration, 4) provide basis of comparison for mobile manipulator performance measurement and/or test circumstances across different workpieces and/or performance measurements/tests, and 5) allow a mobile manipulator performance measurement and/or test to be replicated. Note that this standard practice is intended for use with other related and forthcoming standard practices and test methods for measuring mobile manipulator performance. This standard practice does not currently consider scenarios in which the workpiece is moved while a test repetition is in progress, though the workpiece may be moved in between test repetitions. A future standard or revision to this standard will consider scenarios in which the workpiece is moved or disturbed during test repetitions.


Developed by Subcommittee: F45.05

Committee: F45

Staff Manager: Nora Nimmerichter

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 04-26-2023

Technical Contact: Omar Aboul-Enein

Item: 001

Ballot: F45.05 (23-01)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 001

Ballot: F45 (24-02)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 002

Ballot: F45 (25-01)

Status: In Balloting

