Work Item
ASTM WK87095
Revision of F3341/F3341M-23 Standard Terminology for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Addition of multiple terms
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 07-11-2023
Technical Contact: Manu Lubrano
Item: 009
Ballot: F38 (23-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 008
Ballot: F38 (23-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 007
Ballot: F38 (23-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 006
Ballot: F38 (23-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 005
Ballot: F38 (23-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 004
Ballot: F38 (23-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 003
Ballot: F38 (23-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 002
Ballot: F38 (23-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 001
Ballot: F38 (23-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting