ASTM WK88518
Revision of F3089-23 Standard Guide for Characterization and Standardization of Polymerizable Collagen-Based Products and Associated Collagen-Cell Interactions
Standard Guide F3089 was revised in 2022 and approved while maintaining the scope of the previous revision. During revision, subcommittee members noted that the standard contains a large amount content related to viruses and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathyies (TSEs) agents, disproportionate compared to other topics and redundant with the authoritative documents on the topic. There is a risk that this document will not be updated when those authoritative documents are updated and causes users to follow outdated approaches. The goal of this draft is to reduce the content related to viruses and TSE agents, with the preference that users refer to the authoritative documents. Minor editorial changes may be also be included.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 11-10-2023
Technical Contact: Nikhil Gheewala
Item: 002
Ballot: F04.42 (24-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 028
Ballot: F04 (24-06)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution