Work Item

ASTM WK89397

New Practice for System of Classification of Pyranometers and Pyrheliometers

1. Scope
This standard describes a process and a system of classification of instruments that measure global hemispherical solar radiation, pyranometers, and direct solar radiation, pyrheliometers. According to the formal measurement vocabulary, an instrument class is an accuracy class (see JCGM, 2008, JCGM 200:2008), in terms of quality assurance systems it is a grade (see International standard ISO 9000). A class is used as an easy way of referral in other standards and guides. It also is used to facilitate definition of a target measurement uncertainty (see ASTM 80 G213) and to facilitate the process of uncertainty evaluation (JCGM 100:2008 GUM 1995).
Classification, pyranometers, pyrheliometers

Traditionally the measurement of solar radiation served the meteorological community. The requirements for the measurement accuracy were low and economic consequences of errors were non-existent. For example, the emerging markets of weathering and durability and solar renewable energy require accurate measurements and measurement results are put to commercial use. These markets would strongly benefit from standardization of uncertainty evaluation, calibration, measurement methods and measurement instruments, including test methods to determine instrument characteristics. This proposed standard focusses on standardization of measurement instruments. An accepted way to standardize measurement instruments is by classification. A division in classes allows users with different target measurement uncertainties to easily make a choice between instruments.


Developed by Subcommittee: G03.09

Committee: G03

Staff Manager: Jennifer Tursi

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 01-25-2024

Technical Contact: Aron Habte

Item: 000



