Work Item
ASTM WK91406
New Specification for Data Integrity of Digital Records within the Quality Management, Production, and Retail environments of Legal Cannabis & Hemp Markets
1. Scope
Scope will cover how to establish & maintain the data integrity of digital records within the Quality, Production and Retail environments of a Licensed Cannabis or Hemp operator.Keywords
data; gmp; good manufacturing practices; data integrity; data verification; security; authentication; two-factor; two factorRationale
To ensure the reliability, trustworthiness, and accuracy of electronic records and electronic signatures in regulated industries, particularly in the cannabis sector. This standard is needed to address the growing concern of data integrity across the cannabis sector. This will impact data across any technical platform that houses quality, production or retail data and/or signatures.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 06-26-2024
Technical Contact: Sean Samuel
Item: 000