Work Item

ASTM WK91732

Revision of D642-20 Standard Test Method for Determining Compressive Resistance of Shipping Containers, Components, and Unit Loads


D642 is due for five-year review. Areas for possible improvement include: 1) adding references to D5118 and D6804, 2) adding section 5.1.3 – Means of driving a moveable platen at a uniform rate of 0.5 in/min + 0.1 inch/min (12.7 mm/min + 2.5 mm/min) plus see 9.3 and 9.6. 3) add section Record the test orientation used, e.g. T-B, E-E, or S-S. 4) at end of section add (D5118, D6804). 5) add to the end of section – if flaps are bent directly or if they are pre-broken (X1.7). 6) add appendix X1.7 – The flaps may be bent directly to the sealing position or the flaps may be pre-broken (each of flaps bent 180° outward from box opening until they touch the side of the box followed by moving them forward to the normal sealing position.)


Developed by Subcommittee: D10.21

Committee: D10

Staff Manager: W Scott Orthey

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 07-24-2024

Technical Contact: Richard Lund

Item: 002

Ballot: D10 (25-01)

Status: In Balloting

