ASTM WK91873
ASTM C144, Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar, section 7.2 contains the phrase, “may be accepted”, permissible language does not conform to ASTM form and style. This ballot revises the language. The proposed changes make this standard consistent with language used in ASTM C33. Revise section 7.2 Section 7.2 as it currently appears is shown (strikethrough). Section 8.2 from ASTM C33 is shown as the new C144 section 7.2, with proposed changes. The language used in C33 is shown with the following edit, the word mortar is used instead of concrete. C33 contains section 8.3 which provides an additional option of C666 freeze thaw testing when no service record exists. This option was not included because, one it is not a current option in C144, and two low strength mortars are not suitable for freeze thaw durability testing using test method 666. These changes have already been made in C404.
Date Initiated: 08-05-2024
Technical Contact: Ray Henderson
Item: 003
Ballot: C15.30 (24-03)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution