Work Item
ASTM WK92300
New Guide for CERCLA 128(a) Grantee Conformance Assessment
1. Scope
A Brownfield is a property for which redevelopment may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. EPA is authorized to issue grants under CERCLA Section 128(a) for the characterization and remediation of environmentally-challenged property for redevelopment purposes. CERCLA Section 128(a) grantees such as Tribes, States, Cities, and non-governmental organizations need defensible, consistent, and reliable policies and procedures that are robust to successfully execute these grants.Keywords
Brownfields, CERCLA Section 128(a), conformanceRationale
Currently, CERCLA Section 128(a) grantees do not have a consistent means of determining their conformance with the requirements of the Section 128(a) grant program.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 09-18-2024
Technical Contact: Paul Sonnenfeld
Item: 000