Work Item
ASTM WK92505
Revision of G110-92(2022)e2 Standard Practice for Evaluating Intergranular Corrosion Resistance of Heat Treatable Aluminum Alloys by Immersion in Sodium Chloride?+?Hydrogen Peroxide Solution
This test method uses 30 % hydrogen peroxide in the test solution. Because of potential degradation of the hydrogen peroxide, this standard requires the concentration of the 30 % hydrogen peroxide to be verified before each use with a titration method described in ASTM G69 Annex A1. This titration method is time consuming. Test data indicates the concentration of the 30 % hydrogen peroxide can be stable over several years when stored according to manufacturers' instructions. Therefore, this revision recommends the concentration of the 30 % hydrogen peroxide be verified before use only if it has been 6 months or more since last verification.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 10-11-2024
Technical Contact: wenping zhang
Item: 000