Work Item
ASTM WK92582
New Test Method for The Measurement of Conductivity in Electric Vehicle (EV) Coolants
1. Scope
1.2 This method is applicable to ethylene glycol and propylene glycol-based coolants and mixtures of it within a temperature range of 20°C to 30°C. 1.3 The conductivity range should be within 0.1µS /cm up to 300µS/cm.Keywords
Conductivity; fuel cell; electric vehicle coolant; Ethylene glycol; Propylene glycol; temperature compensationRationale
This new test method is for the measurement of conductivity of electric vehicle (EV) coolants. The method is needed as a reference test method for EV product specifications in development by D15.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 10-22-2024
Technical Contact: Larry Tucker
Item: 000