Work Item

ASTM WK92800

New Practice for Designing And Building Tiny Houses And ADUs To Age In Place

1. Scope
This practice will include universal design principles used as a framework that can be utilized by all people that want to build a tiny house or accessory dwelling unit ( ADU) that will not need future modifications with the goal to age in place. The practice will include living space accommodation for daily living, for disabilities, accessibility, and will be functional for the young and an aging population, contributing to maintaining personal independence and safety.
tinyhouse, ADU, aginginplace; accessorydwellingunit,universaldesign,tinyhouses,accommodation,accessibility,functional,

More individuals are turning to tiny houses as an alternative to an expensive living facility for seniors, or for those with disabilities to live near their family and there is a popular trend of building ADUs in backyards of primary dwellings or in a cluster of tiny houses in a community that create a supportive environment. It is important that the structure is built with the best practices so they can stay in their own house for as long as possible.


Developed by Subcommittee: E06.26

Committee: E06

Staff Manager: Frank McConnell

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 11-11-2024

Technical Contact: Janet Thome

Item: 000



