Work Item
ASTM WK93020
New Test Methods for Treestand Safety Rope Systems
1. Scope
This test method covers the determination of the load capacities for Treestand Safety Ropes. This test method addresses equipment used in hunting situations requiring personal protection against falls from heights and applies to the manufacturers, distributors, purchasers, and users of such equipment.Keywords
Treestand Safety Ropes; Fall Arrest Systems; Treestands; HuntingRationale
Currently no test methods exist for the evaluation of treestand safety ropes in the marketplace. It is the intent of this standard to provide an acceptable evaluation criteria in regards to the physical/mechanical properties of the rope in both a static and dynamic capacity. This test methods also includes exposure to various environmental conditions such as moisture, freezing, and accelerated weathering.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 11-26-2024
Technical Contact: Trey McCants
Item: 001
Ballot: F08.18 (24-01)
Status: In Balloting