ASTM WK93189
Revision of E2112-23 Standard Practice for Installation of Exterior Windows, Doors and Skylights
First, the definition of flashing is updated to extend beyond sheet materials and also recognizes that multiple materials may be used in combination for the purpose of flashing a fenestration product. Second, the language contained in Section 5.13 for flashing is being balloted to accommodate the different types of flashing (mechanically attached, self adhered and liquid applied flashings) that are currently used in fenestration product installations. The existing language is specific to mechanically applied flashing and does not accommodate either self adhered flashing or liquid applied flashing materials. The language of Section which is open for ballot is changed to be inclusive of all three types of materials. Please note that the Introduction of ASTM E2112 and all of Section 5.13.3 are included to provide context and any comments on materials outside of Section may be found to be out of scope of this ballot.
Work Item Status
Date Initiated: 12-16-2024
Technical Contact: Richard Rinka
Item: 007
Ballot: E06 (24-05)
Status: In Balloting