By Andy Kireta
Nov 05, 2024
Every year, ASTM’s Board of Directors and senior leadership team have the opportunity to host our meeting away from ASTM HQ and engage in outreach across different cities and countries around the world.
Just a few weeks ago, we held our Board of Directors meeting in Brussels, Belgium. Here, our Board of Directors and senior staff worked diligently, making impactful decisions that will help drive our organization forward for many years to come.
Additionally, we engaged in robust outreach in and around Brussels with more than two dozen organizations, research institutions, government agencies, and other stakeholders to educate and reinforce the impact of standards, the many benefits of ASTM’s standards-development process, and our expansive offerings. In each of these conversations, we had the opportunity to outline exactly how ASTM International is helping our world work better both broadly, and within the given industry of our host organization. And we outlined the various ways stakeholders across a variety of countries can work together advancing standards and transforming markets.
This year we also had the distinct pleasure of involving several emerging professionals from around the world to take part in that outreach program. We are quickly approaching the 10th anniversary of that program, and it was empowering to experience the impact and knowledge these individuals brought to our outreach meetings. We were grateful to have them.
While in Brussels, we also took time to recognize Taco van der Maten, a former board member and board chair, as the recipient of this year’s Cavanaugh Memorial Award. We celebrated outgoing chair Cesar Constantino as well. Both Taco and Cesar have been wonderful stewards of ASTM International – going out of their way to champion our organization and our standards-development process. We have benefited greatly from their engagement over the years.
In my time with the Board, I’ve taken part in many of these meetings and outreach events, but this was my first serving as president. I enjoyed experiencing a different perspective on our governing process. I see firsthand the dedication and commitment of our board members, both when meeting about ASTM’s future and when externally promoting the work of our members, partners, and staff at our outreach meetings. In concert, listening to our senior team report on the important work of our staff, I am reminded of everything that goes into moving our organization forward.
When a U.S. President engages in the yearly State of the Union address, they often reinforce and acknowledge the strong position the country is in. That sentiment is how I feel about ASTM after a productive and promising several days in Europe. I am confident in our organization’s position and commitment to our mission in all that we do and am grateful for all those who help to move us forward.
Andrew G. Kireta Jr.
President, ASTM International
November / December 2024