May 10, 2024
ASTM International’s exoskeletons and exosuits committee (F48) is developing a proposed standard that will provide guidance for maintaining exoskeletons.
According to ASTM member Matthew Dickinson, the proposed standard (WK89778) will be focused on assisting end-users of exoskeletons.
“Given its pivotal role in augmenting the capabilities of workers, establishing a procedural framework verifying the safe and effective use of the exoskeleton is imperative,” says Dickinson, senior lecturer in mechanical engineering, School of Engineering, University of Central Lancashire. “The proposed standard will ensure that essential prerequisites, such as power supply verification for tools, are duly addressed before commencing tasks.”
The proposed standard will provide a systematic approach to testing that will help ascertain the seamless functionality of exoskeletons, guaranteeing alignment with design expectations.
This effort directly relates to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #3 on good health and well-being.
“By prioritizing exoskeleton maintenance protocols, this initiative inherently safeguards the health and well-being of employees outfitted in such equipment, thereby exemplifying its indispensability as a cornerstone of workplace safety and efficiency,” says Dickinson.
ASTM welcomes participation in the development of its standards. Become a member at
“The advent of groundbreaking exoskeleton technology necessitates a concerted effort to foster widespread engagement in shaping standards governing its evolution,” says Dickinson. “Because exoskeletons are tailored to individuals engaged in manual labor across various sectors, ranging from manufacturing shop floors to construction sites, we encourage participation from seasoned professionals proficient in power tools and manufacturing processes.”
U.N. Sustainable Development Goal Addressed:
May / June 2024