Jul 26, 2016
This election is administered via the ASTM website. Emails will be sent to ASTM members containing links for accessing the online ballot. If you do not have access to the Internet, you may request a hard copy of the ballot from Maureen Houck at 610-832-9594. Whether using the website or hard copy, remember that the deadline for receipt of all ballots is Dec. 1.
Mary C. McKiel
Mary C. McKiel is the standards executive with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, D.C.
At EPA, McKiel directs the agency's implementation of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act and OMB Circular A-119, Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities. She establishes standards-related policies for the agency and aids EPA offices in using voluntary standards and participating in standards developing organizations such as ASTM International. She has been instrumental in assisting EPA offices in using ASTM and other voluntary consensus standards both in rulemaking actions as well as in voluntary programs at the agency. McKiel also represents the agency in various domestic and international standards and policy related arenas in both the public and private sectors. In doing so she works with other federal agencies, including trade agencies. McKiel is an active participant in the Interagency Committee on Standards Policy chaired by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. EPA has honored her with bronze, silver and gold medals for her standards work.
Prior to working at EPA, McKiel was director of quality standards at what was then the Federal Supply Service of the General Services Administration, and for her first five years of public service was a chemist with the then National Archives and Records Services, where she conducted and published original research leading to the production and preservation of archival quality documents. While at the National Archives she was a member of ASTM Committee D06 on Paper and Paper Products.
McKiel has worked on various ASTM committees for more than 20 years and currently serves on Committees E50 on Environmental Assessment, Risk Management and Corrective Action and E60 on Sustainability. She served three years on the ASTM International board of directors prior to being elected to serve as vice chairman of the board.
In addition, McKiel is a former vice chairman of the board of the American National Standards Institute, a position she held for eight years. She currently chairs the ANSI ISO Council as well as the Government Member Forum and is an ex-officio member of the ANSI board of directors. She served as vice chair to the U.S. Technical Advisory Group during the development of the ISO 14000 series of standards on environmental management. In 2008, she was awarded the ANSI George S. Wham Leadership Medal for her contributions to standardization. She is also the recipient of the 2010 Leo B. Moore medal from SES – the Society for Standards Professionals for achievement, service and contributions in the field of standardization. For more than 10 years McKiel has been a member of both the Management Systems Advisory Council and the Environment and Public Health Council of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. McKiel has written about the federal use of nongovernment standards for a wide variety of governmental and private sector publications worldwide and has delivered presentations to both national and international audiences.
Michael R. Withers
Michael R. Withers is vice president of ride engineering for Walt Disney Imagineering in Glendale, Calif., where he has responsibility for amusement ride design and engineering. In addition, he is currently serving as project manager for the Global Ride Safety Enhancement Program for Walt Disney Theme Parks and Resorts.
An ASTM International member since 2000, Withers is vice chairman of Subcommittee F24.24 on Design and Manufacture, a part of Committee F24 on Amusement Rides and Devices. He is an active member of several F24 subcommittees, and he represents ASTM on the European Technical Committee CEN/TC 152, which is responsible for EN 13814, Fairground and Amusement Park Machinery and Structures – Safety, the European standard on amusement park safety. In 2011, F24 recognized Withers with the Award of Merit and title of fellow for his leadership and service in developing ASTM safety standards for the global amusement industry and his efforts in promoting the worldwide use and adoption of F24 standards. He has been a member of the ASTM board of directors since 2009, serving as chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee in 2012. Withers also served a term on the ASTM Committee on Technical Committee Operations.
After graduating from Oakland University, Rochester, Mich., in 1972 with a B.S. in engineering, Withers began his professional career as a project engineer with Autosafety Engineering in Rochester, Mich. In 1974, he became a project manager at the John Z. DeLorean Corp. in Bloomfield Hill, Mich., and in 1977, took the position of vice president with Triad Services in Troy, Mich. In these roles he was involved with mechanical and systems engineering and automotive safety systems. In 1990, Withers joined Disney Imagineering as director of operations, and in 2000, he assumed his current role.
Outside ASTM International, Withers is a member of SAE International and the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.
Scott A. Colburn
Lt. Cmdr. Scott A. Colburn, RN, is director of the standards program at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Md. In this position, which he assumed in May 2012, Colburn manages the center's participation in developing test methods and performance standards for medical devices, and he oversees the CDRH standards staff.
While working at St. Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisc., Colburn attended Marquette University; he earned his bachelor of science in nursing in 1999. In 2000, he joined the Walter Reed Army Medical Center staff; he became chief of vascular access services/PICC nurse in 2003. In 2004, Colburn joined FDA CDRH as a nurse consultant. He became CDRH deputy director in 2009 and acting director in 2011.
Colburn, who joined ASTM International in 2011, has affiliations with several groups in Committee F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices. He is also a member of Committees D11 on Rubber, E20 on Temperature Measurement, E28 on Mechanical Testing, E31 on Healthcare Informatics, E36 on Accreditation and Certification, E48 on Biotechnology, E56 on Nanotechnology, E61 on Radiation Processing, F12 on Security Systems and Equipment, F23 on Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment, F29 on Anesthetic and Respiratory Equipment, F30 on Emergency Medical Services, G03 on Weathering and Durability, and G04 on Compatibility and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres. In addition, he works on U.S. Technical Advisory Groups to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) technical committees on rubber, anesthetic and respiratory equipment, implants for surgery and non-systemic contraceptives and STI (sexually transmitted infections) barrier prophylactics.
In additional to ASTM International, Colburn is a member of the American National Standards Institute, the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, the Commissioned Officers Association, the International Electrotechnical Commission, ISO, the Military Officers Association of America and the Reserve Officers Association. He has received numerous service awards and commendations. Colburn holds a master's degree in biomedical science technology management and development from Georgetown University and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Jeffrey S. Goldfinger
Jeffrey S. Goldfinger is director of business development at L-3 Interstate Electronics, San Diego, Calif, a division of L-3 Communications, a global top tier aerospace and defense company. L-3 Interstate Electronics provides GPS receiver technology, hardware and software video systems, display systems and tracking systems for commercial, government and military customers.
An ASTM International fellow and 2012 Award of Merit winner, Goldfinger was honored by Committee F38 on Unmanned Aircraft Systems for his leadership in standards work that supports the global UAS community and heightens the industry's safety and access to national airspaces. Goldfinger, an ASTM member since 2003, also received the President's Leadership Award in 2009 for contributions to F38 and for promoting the recognition and acceptance of standards developed by the committee. He is a past F38 chairman, for which he received an Outgoing Chairman Award, and a member of Committees F37 on Light Sport Aircraft and F41 on Unmanned Maritime Vehicle Systems.
Goldfinger served as a naval flight officer for 20 years in the U.S. Navy, logging more than 1,500 flight hours in various carrier-based tactical aircraft as well as leading a Pioneer UAS detachment at sea. He retired from the Navy in 2002 and then became director of UAS operations for Brandes Associates Inc. in Santa Barbara, Calif. In 2006, he became director of UAS applications at L-3 Link Simulation and Training in Arlington, Texas, and assumed his current role at L-3 Interstate Electronics in 2011.
Goldfinger is a member of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. A U.S. Federal Aviation Administration certificated commercial, instrument-rated pilot, he holds a bachelor's degree in computer science from Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.
Robin E. Graves
Robin E. Graves, Ph.D., is corporate manager of technical services at Vulcan Materials Co. in Birmingham, Ala. Graves, a licensed professional geologist, provides technical services and market development support to operating divisions in the company, which produces construction aggregates, portland cement concrete, hot mix asphalt and portland cement.
Vice chairman of ASTM International Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates, and chairman of Subcommittee C09.95 on Coordination, Graves has been an ASTM International member since 1992. He is also a member at large on the executive subcommittee of Committee C07 on Lime, and a member of Committees C12 on Mortars and Grouts for Unit Masonry, D04 on Road and Paving Materials and D18 on Soil and Rock. For his contributions, he has received C07 and C09 Awards of Appreciation. Currently, Graves is serving a term on the ASTM Committee on Technical Committee Operations, where he is chairman of the subcommittee on regulations.
Graves earned his master's and doctorate degrees in geology and civil engineering from the University of Florida in 1987 and 1991, respectively, after completing his bachelor's in geology and computer science in 1984 at the University of Southern Mississippi.
In 1991, Graves became research and development project manager at Chemical Lime Co., followed by quality control manager and business development manager positions with the company. In 1998, Graves took on the role of vice president of research and engineering for the National Aggregates Association. He was a senior materials scientist with Vulcan for 13 years before assuming his current position in 2011.
Graves holds two patents, has published technical articles and reports, and serves as a technical reviewer for professional technical journals. He is, in addition to ASTM International, a member of the American Concrete Institute and the Transportation Research Board, and he has served on numerous industry association committees. He also has served as chairman of the technical advisory committee and the advisory board of directors for the International Center for Aggregates Research.
Daniel S. Janikowski
Daniel S. Janikowski is technical manager at Plymouth Tube Co., East Troy, Wisc., a global supplier of stainless steel, and carbon and alloy tubing. In this role, Janikowski assists customers with materials selection, specifications, testing and heat transfer analysis for power plant heat transfer applications.
An ASTM fellow and Award of Merit recipient, Janikowski, who joined ASTM International in 1989, currently serves as chairman of Subcommittee A01.10 on Stainless and Alloy Steel Tubular Products, and on other subcommittees in Committee A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys. He is also a member of Committees B02 on Nonferrous Metals and Alloys, B07 on Light Metals and Alloys and B10 on Reactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys.
Janikowski has been at Plymouth Tube Co. since 2005, holding positions as general manager, energy sales manager and senior account executive before becoming technical manager in 2010. Janikowski had previously been a general manager with Trent Tube from 2000 to 2005. His additional experience in power tubing came from his time with the Allied Signal Research Center, where he was involved in alloy selection, product development and failure analysis with a number of company divisions.
Outside ASTM International, Janikowski is a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers committees; the Heat Exchanger Institute tubular product technical committee; and NACE International; he is also a past chairman of the Chicago chapter of ASM International.
Author of more than 30 papers on pipe and tubing materials selection, manufacturing and testing techniques, Janikowski has been awarded three patents. He earned his bachelor of science and master of science in metallurgical engineering from the University of Illinois in Chicago.
Richard A. Peri
Richard A. Peri is vice president of government and industry affairs at the Aircraft Electronics Association in Washington, D.C. AEA is a worldwide organization that represents more than 1,300 aviation businesses, including those specializing in the maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. Peri manages the association's Washington, D.C., office as well as the AEA office in Cologne, Germany.
An ASTM International member who joined the organization in 2004, Peri currently serves as chairman of Committee F39 on Normal and Utility Category Airplane Electrical Wiring Systems. In this role he has worked closely with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to expedite the development of new safety standards on aircraft wiring systems. Peri is also a member of Committee F37 on Light Sport Aircraft. For his contributions, Peri received the ASTM President's Leadership Award in 2008.
In his more than 40 years of aviation experience, Peri has touched nearly all facets of aviation support. Before joining the AEA staff in 2001, Peri held the position of director of government affairs at the National Air Transportation Association. He was in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1975 to 1998, working on aviation technical issues including aircraft maintenance, repair and alteration, and he served in the U.S. Air Force from 1971 to 1975.
Outside ASTM International, Peri has been part of several aviation rulemaking and advisory committees in North America, Europe and Australia. He has served as assistant chair for general aviation certification and operations issues on the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee, and he is a member of the Professional Aviation Maintenance Association and the Association of Women in Aviation Maintenance. Peri has written more than 100 articles on aviation regulations.
A 1993 graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla., where he received a bachelor's degree in professional aeronautics, Peri is a private pilot and mechanic who holds airframe and powerplant licenses.
Taco van der Maten
Taco van der Maten is product manager for X-ray fluorescence at PANalytical in Almelo, the Netherlands. In this position, which he has held since 2006, he is responsible for the global polymer, oils, fuels and petrochemicals markets at PANalytical, a worldwide supplier of analytical instrumentation and software for X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.
A member of ASTM International since 2006, van der Maten is chairman of ASTM Committee F40 on Declarable Substances in Materials. F40 includes more than 130 technical experts who develop standards for the evaluation of materials/products for RoHS, recycling and use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment; REACH, Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances; and similar requirements. He also leads the task group responsible for updating and maintaining ASTM F2617, Standard Test Method for Identification and Quantification of Chromium, Bromine, Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead in Polymeric Material Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry.
In 1985, the year he graduated from the Dr.Ir. W.L. Ghijsen Institute in Utrecht with a degree in analytical chemistry, van der Maten became a research chemist for Heineken in Zoeterwoude, the Netherlands. He then worked as research chemist, service delivery manager and business development manager at Royal DSM N.V. in Sittard-Geleen before becoming a PANalytical staff member in 2006.
Van der Maten is certified at the highest level for setting up a best practices information technology department in accord with the Information Technology Infrastructure Library, and he is a member the editorial board of the Dutch-Belgian Laboratorium magazine. He was a member of the International Electrotechnical Commission committee regarding RoHS testing standardization. Van der Maten also holds a degree in polymer chemistry from Hogeschool Brabant in Den Bosch, the Netherlands.
September / October 2008