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Jul 06, 2023

ASTM and Doctors for Cannabis Regulation Sign Memorandum of Understanding

ASTM International and Doctors for Cannabis Regulation (DFCR) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) aimed at the continued development of ASTM standards for cannabis.

The MoU was signed by Bryon Adinoff, DFCR president, and Dan Smith, ASTM’s vice president of technical committee operations.

DFCR’s founder and past president, Dr. David Nathan, who is also an ASTM member and a major contributor to D8441 (the consensus standard defining the International Intoxicating Cannabinoid Product Symbol), is delighted by this development. “Within the community of consensus standard organizations, ASTM leads the world in the development of cannabis regulatory standards,” Nathan said. “This MoU reflects the close alignment of goals between ASTM and DFCR. Together, we will design industry standards that serve the interests of public health, consumer protections, and public safety.”

As part of the MoU:

  • ASTM will serve as the standards developing organization (SDO) for the activity;
  • DFCR will participate in the ASTM process and provide technical expertise to assist in the development of ASTM standards;
  • DFCR agrees to reference and use resulting ASTM standards, as appropriate.

“At ASTM, we are always excited to have unique voices take part in the standards development process,” notes Smith. “We welcome Doctors for Cannabis Regulation, and the robust expertise they continue to bring to the development of ASTM cannabis standards.”

The cannabis committee (D37) was formed in 2017 to develop standards for cannabis, its products, and processes. To learn more about the work of the committee and ASTM’s other efforts in the cannabis space, visit:

ASTM International is a not-for-profit nongovernmental organization that develops voluntary consensus standards and defers to appropriate government authorities to determine the legal and regulatory framework regarding the control and use of cannabis.


On June 3, ASTM International members and staff donated time and energy to package meals for Food Bank of the Rockies, in advance of ASTM’s June Committee Week in Denver, Colorado. ASTM board chair Bill Ells and his wife June were among those who were there to support the Food Bank, which partners with more than 500 relief programs in Northern Colorado and Wyoming. This event was part of ASTM’s celebration of its 125th anniversary. 


In May, representatives from ASTM International and Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) met to exchange updates during the Pacifc Area Standards Congress. ASTM and BSN have been memorandum of understanding partners for 19 years. Left to right: Elvin Chia and Teresa Cendrowska (ASTM) and Kukuh Achmad, Zul Amri, and Christine Benedicta (ASM).


July / August 2023

CATEGORIES: outreach