Jan 06, 2025
ASTM International is bringing its course Aviation Fuels: Specifications and Test Methods to the European market, beginning with a course in Brussels, Belgium to be held from Apr. 9-11, 2025.
The course covers a broad range of aviation fuel specifications and test methods, specifically on how they are used for quality control. Attendees are welcome to participate and will have ample opportunity to get hands-on with samples of aviation fuels equipment.
The class will help supervisors, managers, and other professionals build an understanding of various topics in the field. Attendees who complete the course will be able to:
"The course is recommended for all who have responsibility for handling aviation fuels from the petroleum source to the aircraft,” says Fred Barnes, one of the course’s instructors. “It covers all fuels from turbine fuel, to sustainable aviation fuels, to aviation gasoline. We discuss fuel properties and tests which are listed in various specifications, but also build a thorough understanding of the critical properties to check as the fuels go through the distribution system. These properties are critical to ensure that no contamination has occurred and the fuel arrives at the airplane clean, dry and on specification."
For full details on the course, including pricing and description, please visit: https://store.astm.org/catalog/product/view/id/2451994.
Media Inquiries: Gavin O’Reilly, tel +1.610.832.9618; goreilly@astm.org
Committee Contact: Alyson Fick, tel +1.610.832.9710; afick@astm.org
Release #11947