Feb 06, 2025
Papers are invited for ASTM International’s Workshop on Surface and Dermal Sampling Methods for Exposure Assessment and Monitoring, to be held Oct. 8, 2025, in Atlanta, GA. The event is sponsored by ASTM International’s air quality committee (D22) and will be held in conjunction with the committee’s standards development meetings.
International legislation, such as TSCA in North America and REACH in Europe, continues to introduce limits for various chemicals related to skin and surface exposure. Thus, the need for standards development on surface and dermal sampling methods for exposure assessment and monitoring becomes ever more urgent.
Apart from metals and pesticides, there are few unambiguous methods available, and development of consensus standards may help to overcome this challenge. We aim with this workshop to get a better picture of what methods are available, what ongoing research projects are currently running, and what is needed for helping practitioners to ensure that exposure limits can be met.
The workshop can also help refine exposure assessments that use data from surface and dermal measurements.
Topics for this workshop include:
Those interested in presenting at this workshop should submit a 250 to 300-word abstract pertaining to the above topics to Workshop Chairs no later than May 31, 2025.
The workshop cochairs can be reached by email: Steven Verpaele (sverpaele@nickelinstitute.org), Michael Brisson (mike.brisson@srnl.doe.gov), and Xiaoyu Liu (Liu.Xiaoyu@epa.gov).
For more information about this workshop, please visit: https://go.astm.org/surface-and-dermal-sampling-methods
Symposia Operations Contact: Tammy Schane tel+1.610.832.9522, symposia@astm.org
Release #11965