You’re busy, with numerous demands on your time. With that in mind, ASTM offers several ways to know what’s new in your industry area and in related work.
However you connect with ASTM, whether you’re a member using MyASTM or a customer using Compass®, ASTM wants to be sure you can keep up with everything going on. These options can give you the latest updates.
- If you happen to be new to ASTM, you can link to news stories, products and services, professional development opportunities, or information about ASTM and its history from our homepage.
- You can have lists of new standards, books, and journal papers — in the subject areas you choose — delivered to your inbox two days a week with free tracker services.
- If you prefer, subscribe to RSS feeds for information about new standards, work items, publications or journal papers, or ASTM Standardization News. RSS (really simple syndication) feeds provide a way to get the content you’re looking for without going to the ASTM website.
- For highlights, check the SN magazine’s online presence, where new stories are published on an ongoing basis, and bimonthly as a complete e-publication (the e-pub link can be found on the SN home page). (If you’re a member or have a subscription, you already receive the print version.) Also on the SN home page are links to news grouped by industry sector, from construction to consumer products, metals to medical, and more. The ASTM Newsroom contains the latest news releases and a searchable archive.
- The “About ASTM International” pages include a detailed overview of the organization, FAQs, a list of key personnel, case studies, and more.
- If you need to contact a department, want online help, or want to “Ask ASTM a Standards Related Question,” or would like sales and support — begin by clicking here.