Artificial Intelligence Policy: ASTM International prohibits the entry of ASTM standards and related ASTM intellectual property (“ASTM IP”) into any form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT. Additionally, creating ----derivatives of ASTM IP using AI is also prohibited without express written permission from ASTM’s President. In the case of such use, ASTM will suspend a licensee’s access to ASTM IP, and further legal action will be considered.
WK88126 is specified to address events occurring throughout the Goods Movement Process from Planning Phase to Execution Phase and covering milestones from Posted to Delivered. Defining the events will introduce non-event vocabulary terms in the supply chain that need harmonized definitions. This work item addresses supply chain terms used in defining events identified in WK88126.
vocabulary terms; supply chain
To provide definitions of ambiguous non-event supply chain vocabulary terms used in defining harmonizing supply chain events.