
In-Residence Training Programs


Visiting experts at an ASTM technical meeting representing Guyana, South Korea, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, and Ecuador.

ASTM’s Global Cooperation Department provides a wide range of capacity building interventions for national standards bodies and others.

Standards Expert Program (SEP)

The Standards Expert Program (SEP) is a benefit offered only to ASTM MoU signatories. Through the SEP, ASTM hosts up to three standards experts for a two-week period.

  • During their stay, the experts learn about ASTM International and its operations, ASTM technical committees, and ASTM’s internet-based standards development tools.

  • The experts also travel to an ASTM Technical Committee meeting and visit other standards-related public and private organizations located in Washington, D.C.

  • Each year, ASTM invites four MoU national standards body signatories to participate based on demonstrated engagement in the MoU partnership.

  • The MOU partner is responsible for recommending the candidate expert from their organization for ASTM’s consideration.

Technical Visitor Grant Program (TVGP)

The MoU Technical Visitor Grant Program (TVGP) is a special opportunity offered by ASTM to its MOU signatories to strengthen the participation of technical experts from around the world in the ASTM standards development process. The TVGP provides financial assistance, for a period of between 2-3 weeks.

  • Two to three candidates are selected annually to participate in an educational program about ASTM International standards in a selected sector.

  • ASTM funds up to 50% of the program costs, not to exceed 5000 USD.

  • MoU signatory personnel, as well as industry experts serving on the MoU signatory’s technical committees are eligible to apply.

All proposals must be submitted by March 1 each year and comply with the program objectives.

Intensive Training Program (ITP)

Intensive Training Programs, conducted in the United States, are available to industry and government representatives in any country regardless of an MoU partnership. ITPs enable the participants to better understand and apply ASTM International standards and learn how to contribute to the content of the ASTM standards so that the standards reflect their respective market and regulatory needs. By meeting with technical experts in the selected sector of study, participants also develop a network of global contacts.

  • The ITP typically includes 5 – 10 participants who are technical experts within a specific sector or technical area.

  • Costs are covered primarily by the participants’ sponsoring industry or government.

  • ASTM staff plan and execute the ITP, including key site visits, at no charge to the ITP partner.

  • The program components’ focus must be within an industry sector closely aligned with one or more ASTM International technical committees.

Staff Attachments

Staff Attachment positions at ASTM International’s World Headquarters are available to representatives of industry and government. Attachments are available to representatives of industry and government representatives in any country regardless of an MoU partnership. The learning objectives for each attached staff member are individually formulated and mutually agreed upon by ASTM and the sponsoring organization.

Sample program objectives include

  • Becoming knowledgeable about ASTM’s procedures, tools, and organization

  • Engaging effectively in an ASTM technical committee

  • Researching a particular area of interest related to the work of ASTM International

  • Enhancing collaboration between the sponsoring organization and ASTM International

Costs are covered by the participants’ sponsoring industry or government, although ASTM does not charge for the planning, implementation, and management of the program.

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