Committee E61 Subcommittees
Subcommittees and Standards
Standards under the jurisdiction of E61
E61.01 Dosimetry
E61.01.01 Calibration of Routine Dosimetry Systems (51261)
E61.01.02 Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty (51707)
E61.01.03 Dosimetry in Radiation Processing (52628)
E61.01.04 Performance Characterization of Dosimeters (52701)
E61.01.05 ASTM E3083 Standard Terminology Relating to Radiation Processing
E61.02 Dosimetry Systems
E61.02.01 Using the Fricke Dosimetry System (51026)
E61.02.02 Ceric-Cerous Sulfate Dosimetry System (51205)
E61.02.03 Radiochromic Film Dosimetry System (51275)
E61.02.04 Polymethylmethacrylate Dosimetry System (51276)
E61.02.05 Radiochromic Optical Waveguide Dosimetry System (51310)
E61.02.06 Dichromate Dosimetry System (51401)
E61.02.07 Ethanol-Chlorobenzene Dosimetry System (51538)
E61.02.08 Radiochromic Liquid Dosimetry System (51540)
E61.02.09 Alanine-EPR Dosimetry System (51607)
E61.02.10 Calorimetric Dosimetry Systems for Electron Beam (51631)
E61.02.11 Cellulose Triacetate Dosimetry System (51650)
E61.02.12 Thermoluminescence-Dosimetry (TLD) Systems (51956)
E61.02.13 LiF Photo-Fluorescent Film Dosimetry System (E2304)
E61.03 Dosimetry Application
E61.03.01 X-Ray (Bremsstrahlung) Facility for Energies between 50 keV and 7.5 MeV (51608)
E61.03.02 Electron Beam Facility at Energies Between 300 keV and 25 MeV (51649)
E61.03.03 Dosimetry in a Gamma Facility (51702)
E61.03.04 Dosimetry in an Electron Beam Facility for Energies Between 80 and 300 keV (51818)
E61.03.05 Absorbed-Dose Mapping (52303)
E61.03.06 Process Control (WK46751)
E61.03.07 Operational Qualification of Gamma Irradiators (WK65046)
E61.03.08 Operational Qualification of Ebeam/X-Ray Irradiators (WK72480)
E61.04 Specialty Application
E61.04.01 Radiation-Sensitive Indicators (51539)
E61.04.02 Dosimetry in Radiation Research on Food Products (51900)
E61.04.03 Blood Irradiation Dosimetry (51939)
E61.04.04 Sterile Insect Release Programs (51940)
E61.04.05 Self-Contained Dry-Storage Gamma Irradiator (52116)
E61.04.06 Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose (E2232)
E61.05 Food Irradiation
E61.05.01 Irradiation of Fresh Agricultural Produce as a Phytosanitary Treatment (F1355)
E61.05.02 Irradiation of Fresh, Frozen or Processed Meat and Poultry (F1356)
E61.05.03 Selection and Use of Contact Materials for Foods (F1640)
E61.05.04 Irradiation of Finfish and Aquatic Invertebrates Used as Food (F1736)
E61.05.05 Irradiation of Dried Spices, Herbs, and Vegetable Seasonings (F1885)
E61.06 Gas & Heat Processing: Measurement and Application
E61.06.01 Ethylene Oxide Gas Sensor/Analyzer Use for Ethylene Oxide Sterilization (WK71734)
E61.07 Certification and Training
E61.90 Executive
E61.93 ISO Liaison